The art of theatrical performance in which actors play roles in creating character images through the process of stage action, by performance in the form of language, movement, dance, music, puppets and other structures to achieve the purpose of the narrative. It is an all-around art education presentation form!

Theatre Performance It is specialized and elite education; popularized and liberalized theatre education. The purpose of drama class is to cultivate professional theatre writing, direct-acting and stage art talents, as well as to popularize professional theatre appreciation knowledge-shaped talents. The educational theatre is the application of theatre methods and theatrical elements in teaching or social and cultural activities so that learning objects can achieve learning goals and objectives in theatrical practice. The class will focus on educational theatre on the participants’ participation, appreciating the meaning of knowledge from their feelings, discovering possibilities and creating new purposes from mutual communication.
Children’s Theatre Performance

Suitable for children aged 6-12, it integrates theatrical energy development, from music, body and lines to learning choreography, costumes, lighting and filming to professional stage performance. It is a comprehensive art discipline from imagination to creativity, expression to collaboration, and perception to leadership.